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Peer-review on transformative innovation for climate change adaptation in Turku

Join the 3nd session of online peer-reviews on transformative innovation for climate change adaptation to discuss with peers from other territories the current status & open opportunities for advancing in transformative CCA policies in Turku (FI). 

Watch the event recording

Note: Parallel sessions were not recorded, under Chatham House rule

As a part of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre’s work on transformative innovation, in collaboration with DG CLIMA as orchestrator of the European Mission on CCA, DG RTD, and external climate and innovation experts, JRC.B7 organised on 27 November 2024 the third of a series of on-line peer-reviews on transformative innovation for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). At this event, we discussed territorial pathways towards integrating transformative innovation in climate resilience activities of Turku.

By engaging the community of adaptation and innovation policy-makers from the territories which are signatories of the EU Mission Charter, this series of peer-reviews was a follow-up activity to the Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation Case Studies covering 16 European territories, composed of a selection of all bio-geographical regions of Europe.

Thematic debates on the selected questions of interest are based on the Chatham House rules for open discussions. The peer-reviewed territory has the opportunity to showcase and discuss with peers from other territories the current status, open opportunities and options for further advancing in its transformative CCA policies & measures, while the peers/critical friends can obtain information on possible steps for their own territories.

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JRC-SHIFTatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-SHIFT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

  • adaptation to climate change | climate change policy | climate change
  • Wednesday 27 November 2024, 09:00 - 12:00 (CET)
  • Online only


  • 29 NOVEMBER 2024
Turku: Peer Review meeting


  1. 27 Nov 2024, 09:00 - 09:10 (CET)
    Introduction and evolution of the peer review concept

    by Karel Haegeman, JRC

  2. 09:10 - 09:30 (CET)
    Presentation by Turku

    by Misa Tuomala (City of Turku)

  3. 09:30 - 10:35 (CET)
    Parallel sessions 1

    Topic: Directionality

    Group 1A: How can CCA be strengthened and integrated across different spatial sectors (urban planning, transport, housing etc.) within city strategies, including setting appropriate and measurable targets?

    • Clarification of the scope of the question: Miika Meretoja (City of Turku)
    • Discussants: Tomislav Novosel (North-West Croatia Energy Agency, REGEA); Michael Su (Adjunct Faculty, Pratt Institute); Kit England (Paul Watkiss Associates)
    • Territorial representatives: Kristina Karppi, Salla-Maria Lauttamäki, Henna Salminen (Regional Council)

    Group 1B: How to make implementation more effective by using target indicators? Concrete examples from
    other cities?

    • Clarification of the scope of the question: Minna Kivimäki (City of Turku, RESIST project)
    • Discussants: Johan Stierna (JRC); Arnault Morisson (Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform), Claudia Obando Rodriguez (SPRU-University of Sussex)
    • Territorial representative: Riikka Leskinen (Valonia & Regional Council)

    Reporting back to the plenary

    Rapporteur & analytical observations (1A): Richard Harding (Co-author of the Turku case study)
    Rapporteur & analytical observations (1B): Claire Nauwelaers (Co-author of the Turku case study)

  4. 10:35 - 10:40 (CET)
    Coffee break
  5. 10:40 - 11:45 (CET)
    Parallel sessions 2

    Topic: Increasing breadth & depth of stakeholder involvement

    Group 2A: How can stakeholder participation, particularly that of young people, be more effectively integrated
    into CCA efforts?

    • Clarification of the scope of the question: Minna Kivimäki (City of Turku, RESIST project) 
    • Discussants: Manuel Laranja (University of Lisbon) ; Tomislav Novosel (North-West Croatia Energy Agency, REGEA); Joao Dinis (Cascais City Council -Portugal)
    • Territorial representatives: Riikka Leskinen (Valonia & Regional Council), Henna Salminen (Regional Council)

    Group 2B: How can Turku and regional council enhance long-term cooperation with key actors, such as
    businesses, to strengthen adaptation efforts beyond single projects?

    • Clarification of the scope of the question: Miika Meretoja (City of Turku)
    • Discussants: Claudia Obando Rodriguez (SPRU-University of Sussex); Arnault Morisson (Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform); Kit England (Paul Watkiss Associates)
    • Territorial representative: Salla-Maria Lauttamäki (Regional Council)

    Reporting back to the plenary

    Rapporteur & analytical observations (2A): Richard Harding
    Rapporteur & analytical observations (2B): Claire Nauwelaers

  6. 11:45 - 11:55 (CET)
    Feedback from the peer-reviewed territory

    Miika Meretoja (City of Turku)

  7. 11:55 - 12:00 (CET)
    Closing of the event

Practical information

Wednesday 27 November 2024, 09:00 - 12:00 (CET)
Online only