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Innovation for place-based transformations
  • Public debates

Peer-review on transformative innovation for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)

Join the 1st session of on-line peer-reviews on transformative innovation for Climate Change Adaptation. Participants will discuss with peers from other territories the current status & open opportunities for advancing in transformative CCA policies.

As a part of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre’s work on transformative innovation, in collaboration with DG CLIMA as orchestrator of the European Mission on CCA, DG RTD, and external climate and innovation experts, the Unit B7 organises on 23 September 2024 the first of a series of on-line peer-reviews on transformative innovation for Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). At this event territorial pathways towards integrating transformative innovation in climate resilience activities of Slovenia will be discussed.

By engaging the community of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and innovation policy-makers from the territories which are signatories of the EU Mission Charter for Adaptation to Climate Change, this series of peer-reviews is organised as a follow-up activity to the Transformative Innovation for better Climate Change Adaptation Case Studies covering 16 European territories, composed of a selection of all bio-geographical regions of Europe. More peer reviews will be held with distinct volunteering territories during the second semester until December 2024 and the dates will be announced in the following issues of this newsletter.

Thematic debates on the selected questions of interest are based on the Chatham House rules for open discussions. The peer-reviewed territory has the opportunity to showcase and discuss with peers from other territories the current status, open opportunities and options for further advancing in transformative CCA policies & measures, while the peers/critical friends can obtain important recommendations on possible steps for their own territories to progress towards incorporating more transformative innovation towards climate resilience.

To participate in this event

Please send an email to: JRC-SHIFTatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-SHIFT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).

*Please note that due to a vivid interest for the event, a priority will be given to the peers from the territories which are signatories of the EU Mission charter for Adaptation to Climate Change, and the territorial stakeholders of the JRC’s Working Group on Transformative Innovation for Climate Resilience.

Participants from Slovenia

  • Zala Strojin Božič, Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy, Climate Policy Directorate
  • Janez Berdavs, Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy, Climate Policy Directorate
  • Boštjan Petelinc, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
  • Tanja Gorišek, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
  • Maja Dovzak, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
  • Marko Hren, Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development 
  • Joze Petkovšek, Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
  • Gabriel Mezang Nkodo, Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development
  • Blanka Mekinda Vidmar, Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
  • Mirjam Dular, Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency
  • Natasa Beltran, Stritih Sustainable Development Consulting
  • Črtomir Kurnik, LEAG – Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska region
  • Peter Wostner, Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development, Republic of Slovenia
  • Critical Friends/Discussants – WG members, experts on the transformative innovation and
    climate change adaptation (CCA) from the territories across the EU and beyond
  • adaptation to climate change | climate change policy | climate change
  • Monday 23 September 2024, 09:30 - 13:30 (CEST)
  • Live streaming available


  1. 23 Sep 2024, 09:30 - 09:45 (CEST)

    State-of-play on transformative innovation for climate resilience - Karel Haegeman, JRC

    Introduction to the peer-review concept - Aleš Gnamuš, JRC

  2. 09:45 - 10:15 (CEST)
    Transformative Innovation for Climate Resilience in Slovenia -

    Presentation and questions to be discussed - Zala Strojin Božič & Boštjan Petelinc.

  3. 10:15 - 10:20 (CEST)
    Q&A and division of peers into discussion groups A & B
  4. 10:20 - 11:05 (CEST)
    Peer-review discussion Topic 1 - Directionality: Parallel discussion groups A & B

    A. How and by what new processes/tools/methods can the objectives of the country’s new CCA strategy be best formulated to reflect the full breadth and depth of the societal challenges linked to accelerating climate change?
    State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

    B. How to inter-connect different sectors to come to the common agreement on CCA issues – Directorate for Climate policies as a moderator/mediator/conciliator/…?
    State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

  5. 11:05 - 11:15 (CEST)
    Reporting back on Topic 1 from the parallel discussion groups A & B
  6. 11:15 - 11:20 (CEST)
    Comfort/Coffee break and division of peers into discussion groups A & B
  7. 11:20 - 12:05 (CEST)
    Peer-review discussion Topic 2 – Governance and Data

    Climate Change Risk Management in Agriculture linked to regionalisation/zoning of agricultural crops to
    counteract the climate pressures: Parallel discussion groups A & B

    A) Essential data required for regionalisation / overcoming lack of data and data gaps / linking these data with the scenarios on future CC pressures (challenges, open issues, solutions) - State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

    B) Governance: challenge of the implementation of regionalisation/zoning in practice in various territories/regions/micro-locations. How to properly engage:
    - farmers / landowners,
    - different political layers (state/region/municipalities) and
    - innovation & research (also how to use the AI)

    How to overcome / align different interests in the agricultural space? How are we to improve effectiveness of the governance system?
    State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

  8. 12:05 - 12:15 (CEST)
    Reporting back on Topic 2 from the parallel discussion groups A & B
  9. 12:15 - 12:25 (CEST)
    Comfort/Coffee break and division of peers into discussion groups A & B
  10. 12:25 - 13:10 (CEST)
    Peer-review discussion – Topic 3 – Ensuring Cross-Domain Synergies

    Parallel discussion groups A & B

    A) How can cross-domain synergies be further enhanced and capitalised upon to bring about a better quality of CCA for the future, in line with a more ambitious strategic directionality?
    State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

    B) How can the governance of research and innovation be bound more tightly into Slovenia’s governance of CCA to strengthen the future-more transformative orientation of the RDI and CCA portfolios?
    State of play (5’) / Bottlenecks (10’) / Ways forward (30’)

  11. 13:10 - 13:20 (CEST)
    Reporting back on Topic 3 from the parallel discussion groups A & B
  12. 13:20 - 13:30 (CEST)
    Feedback from the peer-reviewed territory
  13. 13:30 (CEST)
    Closing of event

Practical information

Monday 23 September 2024, 09:30 - 13:30 (CEST)
Starts on Monday 23 September 2024, 09:30 (CEST)