REGDUALOSA Regional case study in Andalusia region (Spain) - European Commission Skip to main content
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REGDUALOSA Regional case study in Andalusia region (Spain)

On January 24th, the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Industry and Energy will host in Seville a key event exploring the role of space technologies in fostering regional development and European strategic autonomy. This initiative is part of the REGDUALOSA (Reg-ions, Dual Use, and Open Strategic Autonomy), an exploratory research activity of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Andalusia Regional Governement.

Why a case study in Andalusia?

Andalusia is strategically located in the southern part of Spain, serving as a bridge between Europe and Africa and acting as a crucial gateway to the Mediterranean. Despite being one of Spain's less economically developed regions, it has a burgeoning role in the aerospace and space industries.

The space sector in Andalusia is closely linked to the region's broader industrial and technological development, with its space activities emerging from its strong aerospace foundations. In the Andalusian space map, 196 entities have been identified, 71 of them business together with research groups at the universities of Sevilla, Málaga and Granada and the Spanish National Research Council and Innovation centres such as CATEC.

Andalusian actors play a crucial role in several high-profile space projects, including Spain's participation in the European Space Agency (ESA) missions. The region’s involvement in satellite initiatives highlights its growing importance in the space domain. Furthermore, the establishment of the Spanish Space Agency in Seville underscores Andalusia's pivotal role in Spain's aerospace sector, promising to further catalyse technological advancement and economic growth within the region. The strategic location, combined with a robust network of universities and research centres, enhances its capacity to contribute significantly to Europe's aerospace ambitions.

Objectives of the session

The REGDUALOSA stakeholder consultation at the Andalusian event will bring together key players from the aerospace and digital ecosystem.

The consultation aims to:

  • Validate the analysis of the space regional ecosystem proposed by the  REGDUALOSAexpert.
  • Identify practical challenges and opportunities for funding, collaboration, and innovation.
  • Co-develop and provide evidence for policy recommendations to improve future policies and instruments at regional, national and European level to strengthen the space sector, regional development and European strategic autonomy, focusing on synergies, coordination and strategic investments.
  • Align local efforts with broader national and European strategies to ensure the region's sustainable growth and integration into the EU's strategic autonomy framework. 


If you wish to attend, please send an email to sgim [dot] ciematjuntadeandalucia [dot] es (sgim[dot]ciem[at]juntadeandalucia[dot]es)

  • space research | defence industry | cooperation policy
  • Friday 24 January 2025, 09:30 - 14:15 (CET)
  • Spain


  1. 24 Jan 2025, 09:30 - 10:00 (CET)
    Institutional Welcome

    Opening speeches:

    • Cristobal  Sánchez Morales - Andalusia Regional Vice Minister for Industry and Energy
    • Mikel Landabaso - Director for Fair and Sustainable Economy at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission Seville 
  2. 10:00 - 10:20 (CET)
    Spanish Space Technology Plan

    Jose Maria Pérez Head of National Programmes at the Spanish Space Agency

  3. 10:20 - 10:35 (CET)
    Call for Business Incentives of the Andalusian Ministry of Industry and Energy to support space industry
    • Jose Javier Alonso Membrives - General Secretary for Industry and Mining. Regional Ministry of Industry and Energy of Andalusia.
    • Elena María Ruiz Agudo - Incentives Head of Department.Regional Ministry of Industry and Energy of Andalusia.
  4. 10:35 - 10:45 (CET)
    REGDUALOSA Exploratory Research Activity. The Andalusia Case Study on Space
    • Esperanza Caro - Andalucian Regional Ministry of Industry and Energy
    • Carmen Sillero Illanes Senior Economic and Policy Analyst at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission 
  5. 10:45 - 11:00 (CET)
    The Socio-Technological System of Space Technologies in Europe

    Raúl González - University of Leicester (on line)

  6. 11:00 - 11:15 (CET)
    ESETA Project: Building the First Official European Space Economy Statistics

    Luis Galiano - Economic Analyst at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission

  7. 11:15 - 11:30 (CET)
    Complexity Analysis of the Space Industry in Andalusia

    Carla Sciarra - Economic Analyst at the Joint Research Centre, European Commission

  8. 11:30 - 12:00 (CET)
    Coffee Break
  9. 12:00 - 14:00 (CET)
    Stakeholder consultation on the preliminary results of the Andalusia REGDUALOSA case study on Space

    Participation of stakeholders from Andalusia's space ecosystem

    Melanie Durth - REGDUALOSA Expert

  10. 14:00 - 14:15 (CET)
    Final conclusions

Practical information

Friday 24 January 2025, 09:30 - 14:15 (CET)
Aulario de la Consejeria de Industria
Calle Castelar, 22, Sevilla, Spain
English, Spanish


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